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爱尔兰香农理工大学成为第一所引领欧洲大学 (EU) 的爱尔兰大学
  发布时间: 2023-07-21 阅读次数: 770  

经宣布,TUS为RUN-EU (Regional University Network European University,欧洲地区大学网络) 的新任协调院校,成为第一所被任命引领欧洲大学(EU)的爱尔兰大学。TUS 校长 Vincent Cunnane 教授现将成为爱尔兰有史以来第一位欧洲大学校长,RUN-EU 开启了下一阶段的工作,未来四年的 1440 万欧元资金已获批,两个新的合作伙伴也加入了联盟。

RUN-EU于2020年在欧洲大学联盟(European Universities Alliance)下成立,由 ERASMUS 资助,是一个由高等教育机构组成的跨国联盟,致力于创建以地区发展为导向的欧洲大学,并在其所有工作中体现可持续发展、多元文化和包容性等价值观。RUN-EU还在持续激发欧洲价值与个性化特征,并彻底革新欧洲高等教育的质量和竞争力。

在新一轮发展中,RUN-EU 将进一步扩大,迎来两个新成员——布尔戈斯大学(西班牙)和豪斯特应用科学大学(比利时)。总体而言,RUN-EU 将纳入100,000多名学生、11,000名教职员工和100多个研究机构、中心和团体。

TUS 接任 RUN-EU 牵头协调人之际,TUS 校长 Vincent Cunnane 教授向即将离任的欧洲大学引领者葡萄牙莱里亚理工学院表示敬意。他说:“这对欧洲地区来说是一项意义重大的成就,也是对我们地区领导和繁荣潜力的信任。RUN-EU的扩展最终体现了这种潜力,展示了地区优势。我期待着与 RUN-EU 的所有合作伙伴共同努力,实现下一阶段为我们带来的新机遇。当然,对于 TUS 这所位于欧洲西缘、以地区为重点的大学来说,这也是一个难得的时刻”。

TUS 负责研究发展与创新部副校长兼 RUN-EU 项目负责人 Liam Brown 博士补充道:“RUN-EU项目第二阶段将在第一阶段成功的基础上再接再厉,为爱尔兰在欧洲高等教育领域的领导地位指明了新方向,同时也是对欧盟未来区域平衡发展重要性的认可。国际化仍然是我们教育方法的核心,因为它为我们提供了成长和学习的机会,并为我们的学生提供了全面综合的教育体验。比利时豪斯特大学和西班牙布尔戈斯大学这两所实力雄厚的欧洲合作大学的加入,将为我们的欧洲大学带来更多的专业知识,特别是在合作研究、开发和创新(RDI)方面。

TUS 研究与技术转让主管兼 RUN-EU 项目协调人 Patrick Murray 博士说:整个欧洲的教育格局正在发生变化。作为一项旗舰计划,欧洲大学计划是欧盟建立欧洲教育与研究区域的核心。RUN- EU 将继续为我们的学生和地区带来变革。我们将促进和发展以学生为中心、以挑战和工作为基础的联合灵活学习项目,包括短期高级课程、直至博士水平的欧洲学位,并通过大学间和地区间在高等教育、研究、发展、创新和参与方面的合作与创新方法,推进欧洲研究区域的发展。

Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) has been announced as the new coordinator for RUN-EU (Regional University Network-European University), making it the first Irish university appointed as lead of a European University.

President of TUS, Professor Vincent Cunnane, will now become the first ever Irish president of a European University, as RUN-EU begins it next phase with funding of €14.4 million approved for four more years and two new partners joining the alliance.

Established in 2020 under the European Universities Alliance and funded by ERASMUS, RUN-EU is a transnational alliance of higher education institutions working together to create a regional development-oriented European University that embodies the values of sustainability, multiculturalism, and inclusiveness in all its work. It also promotes European values and identity, as well as revolutionising the quality and competitiveness of European higher education.

In this new cycle, RUN-EU will expand further, welcoming two new members – the University of Burgos (Spain) and the Howest University of Applied Sciences (Belgium), operating in the future as an alliance of nine like-minded higher institutions drawn from across Europe with strong focus on regional development. Overall, RUN-EU will comprise of a student population of more than 100,000 students, 11,000 staff and more than 100 research institutes, centres and groups.

As TUS takes over as Lead Co-ordinator of RUN-EU, President of TUS Professor Vincent Cunnane, paid tribute to the outgoing European University Lead – Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal. He said “This is a hugely significant achievement for the regions of Europe and a vote of confidence in the potential of our regions to lead and prosper. The expansion of RUN-EU is ultimately a reflection of this potential and a demonstration of regional strengths. I look forward to working with all the RUN-EU partners to realise the new possibilities that this next phase presents to us. Of course for TUS, a regionally focussed university located at Europe’s Western Edge, this is a singular moment.”

TUS VP for Research Development and Innovation and RUN-EU project leader, Dr Liam Brown added, “RUN-EU Cycle 2 will build on the success of the first phase and represents a new direction for Ireland’s leadership in European higher education as well as recognising the importance of balanced regional development in the EU’s future. Internationalisation continues to be at the heart of our educational approach, as it provides opportunities for growth and learning and gives our student body a well-rounded, holistic educational experience. The addition of two strong European partner Universities – Howest from Belgium and the University of Burgos from Spain will bring further expertise to our European University, particularly in collaborative Research, Development and Innovation (RDI).”

TUS Head of Research and Technology Transfer and RUN-EU project coordinator, Dr Patrick Murray said, “The education landscape across Europe is changing. As a flagship initiative, the European Universities Programme is central to the EU ’s ambitions to build a European Education and Research Area. RUN-EU will continue to be transformative for our students and our regions. We will promote and develop joint student-centred, challenge and work-based flexible learning activities, including Short Advanced Programmes, European Degrees up to PhD level and advance the European Research Area through collaborative and innovative inter-university and interregional approaches to higher education, research, development, innovation and engagement.”


TUS 校长 Vincent Cunnane 教授



TUS 负责研究发展与创新部副校长兼 RUN-EU 项目负责人 Liam Brown 博士


TUS 研究与技术转让主管兼 RUN-EU 项目协调人 Patrick Murray 博士

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